Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I know I have been missing in action for while. No I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, life has been so hectic and a bit overwhelming. Its amazing how much pressure we put on ourselves. With a 2-year-old, school full-time, husband whom I barely see because our schedules are ridiculous, my grandfather whom I have to care, add on top laundry for everyone, cleaning the house, running a million and five errands I am exhausted. I have had my share of break downs because I have these impossible expectations of myself.
Well I'm going to start do the things that gave me pleasure like updating this blog and working out, because I realize I am starting to lose myself. I refuse to be full of resentment. So to all the overworked moms you're not alone.

Make sure to check out my girl Sweet AL over at MommyDelicious if you're in need of stress relieving tips.
Be sure to follow her and enter in her GIVEAWAY