Friday, February 26, 2010

Be good to your hair....

Ok, I know I'm all for taking care of my hair. Making sure the moisture/protein scale is balanced, use of more organic products and low manipulation. All of these are great for my hair. Yet the other day I had to trim my ends because I had a few split ends. Now why would I have split ends you ask? Aren’t you doing everything you're supposed to do? The answer is NO.
My diet isn’t the greatest but its getting there and my fitness level is finally back on track. So what am I missing?
Yes patience, I am guilty of not being patient with my hair. I know I'm supposed to take my time and detangle section by section. I don't always do it. Why? The answer I have a busy life, a 22 month old, a husband, housework, errands and my grandfather to take care of. My plate is on the full side and come a few months (god willing) we can add student back in (had to take time off to deal with some family issues). So sometimes, I'm guilty of ripping the comb thru my hair and not fully detangling. I am trying to get better and the fact that I had to trim my hair made me realize it’s necessary for me to take my time. I know that there is a debate on how often a person should trim their hair. My personal opinion is trim ONLY as NEEDED.
Here’s why I say this: Ok the average person grows about 1/2 inch hair a month, so that’s about 6 inches a year (this is only an average). Therefore, if you are trimming 1-2 inches of hair every 4-6 weeks, how will you ever see length or progress, you're cutting it off. I think trims should be used to alleviate split ends, other than that they serve no purpose (in my opinion) Our hair grows from our scalp not our ends so why would certain people believe that trim their hair helps it grow. The only way trimming helps your hair grow is because it stops split ends from travelling up the shaft and causing major damage.

So I say all this to say be patient and take your time when dealing with hair, and trim as needed. Good Luck and Happy Growing

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