Friday, July 9, 2010

I can't go natural beacuse....

How many times has someone come up to you and said, "WOW you're natural that's great, I can't go natural because [insert reason here]"

I seem to get those comments quite often. People have many reasons why they feel they cannot go natural. I don't think it’s my place to judge because making that leap is a big decision and it took me two attempts to finally make the plunge and stick to it. I bring this up because the other day I was having a conversation with someone and she said she couldn't go natural because she would have to buy new clothes. LOL. That has to be one of the funniest comments I have heard in a while. I reassured her that her hair didn't define her style. I think many people are under the impression that to be natural you HAVE to be Afrocentric. Not the case.

Being natural to me is a choice to accept your God-given hair and enjoy it for what it is.

I don't preach about natural hair but I do encourage. I have gotten more people to become natural just by leading by example. When they make the choice to attempt to be natural, I provide them with encouragement and support on their journey.

At the end of the day, you are your own person and what makes you happy is all that matters.

So have you heard any funny reasons or have you had any interesting reasons for not being natural?


  1. My favorite is the age-old "I won't be able to get a job."

    I don't know why people think natural hair condemns you to a life of fast-food order taking.

  2. Ha! That is pretty funny. But I have run into the same thing. People thinking they have to act or dress acertain kind of way. It's really not that deep!
