Friday, June 18, 2010

You're Just Not "Together"

Have you noticed that there are some of your friends, who have no kids or aren’t married, that can’t seem to understand you anymore? Well the other day I was having a frustrated mommy moment. I called my friend up to vent and as we were talking the conversation led to the idea of having more children. I do want more children and would love for my children to be close in age. My friend stated, I was being “unrealistic” and SHE didn’t think I should “lie down” and have another child since my life wasn’t “together”. WOW, Really?! My life may not be idea for some but I wouldn’t trade it. I love my son and I would love to have more children. I am blessed to have a husband to support me through any endeavor I would like to embark upon. My friend has a bachelors is working on her masters and has decided this is not what she wants to be doing. Therefore, she’s going to start a new path, which will take her another 4 years. That’s fine FOR HER! She is not married, in a relationship nor does she have children so she’s free to do as she pleases with worrying about how her actions affect anyone but herself. Although I want to have a career, I want be a mom and a wife as well. I want to enjoy my child(ren). I want to give my son as normal of a life as possible. My friends comments did hurt my feelings a bit but whether she or anyone else thinks my life is together or not, is irrelevant to me I know who I am and what I want and I intend on getting it.

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