Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is Being Natural Expensive?

I have seen this debate popping up a lot lately. Is being natural expensive? My take on the situation is Yes and No.
Yes, because if you have been accustomed to living a certain way (eating, working out etc), if you decide to adopt a new lifestyle its going to cost you "a lot" to get the "necessary" products to live accordingly. A lot is is quotation because in many (I said many, not all) cases people tend to throw everything out that does not "fit" into their lifestyle and then go shopping for new products and get a sticker shock. Many don't take into consideration that they have to look around for deals just as they would have before. Yes natural products can be a little more expensive at times, but the trade off is well worth it.
Now on the other side of the debate I said No it isn't expensive to live a natural lifestyle if one takes the necessary steps to make the transition a smooth one. Don't wake up tomorrow after you have just gone grocery shopping the day before and throw out all "unnatural" products, and buy new ones. Of course, natural products will seem more expensive because you are doing double duty. Paying Twice.
Living a natural life can be beneficial and cost effective. As far as hair products one does not have to buy all the higher end products and you can find products that are a little on the less expensive side. Also its not necessary to buy everything other naturals suggests. Find yourself a few staple products and take it slow.
So in the end if you want to live a natural life whether totally or just in the case of your hair (chemically free) take it one day at a time and know that the most expensive products may not be the best products for you.

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